
People that can read this note are way better than most of mexican people: study

It had to be said and it was said

México.- Very important scientist are trying to explain to mexican people that knowing two languages makes you way better than most of the population that lives in Mexico. “If you are kind of white, you don’t look like a cholo, and you know some words in english, you are most likely to be succesfull and elegant than other mexicans”, said Dr Phillis Curtis, psicology PhD.

This study teaches bilingual people not to be sorry for thinking words in english and not knowing the translation into spanish. “Do not feel bad if they call you ‘pocho‘, you are better than them, you’ve been to Chicago, Los Ángeles and Houston, you are a citizen of the world”

The best 5 phrases that you can say with your friends to show that you’re not like them and they don’t deserve you

The study also gives a couple of popular phrases from series and movies to show everyone that you can watch american content without subtitles, and that makes you an special human being and death will not apply to you ever.

1. Hey gurl, what’s going on

2. No way, dude!

3. I’m the one who knocks

4. Winter is comming

In spite of knowing this facts for centurys, most of mexican people are calling bilingual people, whitexicans, which means perfect beautiful person with perfect beautiful hair and houses, that causes resentment and envy just from very resentmen and envyous people.

This is call for all of two lenguages speakers(but just recognizing one lenguage) to raize and shine through all adversities, and be proud of being born in a country with such an amazing beaches but only a very selected group of people who are truly valuable.

We’ll keep informing you


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